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Enabling Automated Effort Tracking Mode

Automated effort tracking is the mechanism used to receive work signals from Tempo teams or organizations.

If you create a Tempo Team, automated effort tracking must be rolled out per team. Individuals who are not team members can't participate in automated effort tracking.

If you didn’t create a Tempo Team, automated effort tracking is enabled for all Tempo users.

You can enable Automated Effort Tracking for teams or for all Tempo users. If you want to get up and running quickly, with minimal setup, we recommend enabling it for all Tempo users.

If you set up teams, managers can also enable Automated Effort Tracking for their teams after it has been enabled for the organization.

Enable Automated Effort Tracking Mode

  1. On the Getting Started page, select Enable Automated Effort Tracking Mode.

  2. Click Next to enable Automated Effort Tracking for all Tempo Users.

  3. If you’d like to increase the accuracy of the collected data, enable Feedback mode.

  4. After you’ve confirmed your choices, automated effort mode is enabled.

Next Step

Granting Permissions to Users

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